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Mini but mighty – compact equipment built for big jobs

在无法使用全尺寸挖掘机或装载机的情况下,承包商通常会默认使用体力劳动. However, with labour in short supply, many are turning to mini-excavators and loaders, which deliver a surprising level of productivity. 

In this edition of Experts Corner, 我们与两位SMS设备的紧凑型设备专家-马特·查特斯进行了交谈, 我们在艾伯塔省的紧凑型设备的区域销售经理, and François Roy, Manager of Major Accounts for our East Region. 下面,他们分享了他们的客户如何利用这一快速增长的设备类别.


Addressing the labour crunch

承包商面临的最大挑战之一是找到足够多的工人来匹配工作量, 很少有人能负担得起在耗时的手工任务上花费宝贵的资源. 许多公司正转向采用紧凑型设备,将机械生产率带到传统设备永远无法到达的地方.

François: The reality is that there is a shortage of manpower right now, and contractors are looking for solutions. 有广泛的应用与狭小的空间,你不能使用传统大小的挖掘机, 因此,拥有能够满足不同工作现场情况的设备变得比以往任何时候都更加重要. 

Matt: 我认为紧凑型设备是建筑设备市场中增长最快的部分之一. It's been around for a while, 但人们现在意识到,随着我们在空间稀缺的地方建造越来越多的建筑, these smaller machines are very efficient and productive.  

Finding the niches

要求紧凑设备的独特工作和应用是漫长而多样的. 因此,紧凑的设备是令人难以置信的多功能,与全系列的工具和配件. 

Matt: Everyone seems to be using compact equipment. We see use cases for general contractors, landscapers, underground contractors, demolition companies, and we're seeing that for industrial, commercial, and residential. 

François: We're seeing some uses that we wouldn't expect to see. 我接到一个组织打来的电话,他们想要一台小型挖掘机,以便在偏远地区进行维修工作. So it had to be transportable by helicopter. We provided a Takeuchi TB210, which weighs 1000 kg. 在他们试用了它并看到了它的强大功能后,他们购买了更多的设备. 

Keeping people safe

建筑工地的体力劳动通常被归类为枯燥, dirty, and dangerous, with safety being the most critical concern. 紧凑的设备非常适合在紧张和不稳定的空间工作,你不会想派一个工人用铲子.

François: 当你在一个狭小的空间里工作时,会有很多规则和限制. For example, in residential applications, we're seeing smaller suburban lots, which means digging in tight spaces near the lot line. 所以与其派几个工人去挖沟, more contractors are using compact excavators to do the job.

People also use our hybrid machines, 它是电力驱动的,用于隧道和空间,你不想让人们呼吸废气. Hybrids are also suitable for indoor demolition. 例如,你可以在不关闭整个设施的情况下拆除医院的内墙. You can also transport a compact excavator in a freight elevator. 
Understanding the equipment's capabilities

Understanding the equipment's capabilities

Compact equipment pulls a lot of weight for its size, 人们常常对这类设备的动力和耐用性感到惊讶. 

Matt: 关于紧凑型履带式装载机,人们没有意识到的一件事是机器有多大的牵引力以及它们能推动和提升多少. 我得到的关于小型挖掘机的评论是,他们打孔远远超过了他们的工资等级. Others say they're built like tanks. 这些机器是在现场获得大量生产力的良好选择. 
Listening to operators

Listening to operators

小型设备在操作人员的外观和感觉上与大型设备相似, allowing for a straightforward transition. 因此,操作人员可以很好地判断设备在他们的工作现场可以做什么. 

François: The Takeuchi equipment has similar controls to a large excavator, and the levers are similarly located, making it easy for an operator to switch between machines. 

Matt: The specs for the equipment will tell you a certain amount, but I think that if you're looking for a machine, 你需要让你的操作员试用设备,并与设备的拥有者交谈. There are so many models and options to choose from; taking the time to find the right machine to best support the unique needs of your business will go a long way. So I look to get the machines in front of people. 


The Bottom Line

紧凑型设备填补了许多场景的空间和劳动力的溢价. 该设备具有高度的通用性,提供了经验丰富的操作人员所期望依赖的性能. SMS Equipment provides and supports the Takeuchi line of compact equipment. 

Seeing is believing

At SMS Equipment, 我们相信,试用设备是了解其潜力的最佳方式. We sell and support the Takeuchi compact equipment line across Canada and Alaska, 使我们的客户更容易与我们接触,以发现这种不断增长的设备如何最好地满足他们的需求. 

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